Posts Tagged: web development

Images in a responsive web

Developer Tyson Matanich breaks down how the newly proposed picture element was integrated into Microsoft’s new redesign. Turns out they rolled with a forked version of Scott Jehl’s picturefill JavaScript plugin. Links to it and the original are available on the post.

Commanding your text editor

If you’re a developer or designer and use a text editor regularly, knowing keyboard shortcuts is a huge productivity booster. This quick primer over at the PeepCode blog is a nice starting point.


The gaming news site Polygon just launched late last night. I’m pretty excited given the team’s editorial strength – Arthur Gies, Christopher Grant, Brian Crecente, Russ Pitts, among others.

Also if you’re at all involved with the web (even if you could care less about video games) the website design and development is very unique (I still have to make up my mind if that’s a good or bad thing.) Fully responsive design, web typography in Gotham and Mercury, minimal navigation and much more.

Proposed new HTML tag: IMG

A great email from 1993 made the front page of Hacker News recently; Marc Andreessen proposes a new tag to be added to HTML…img. Cool to see how the effects of such a simple email helped set the foundation of the web we know today.

Adobe announces Edge suite for cross-browser web development

I’m kind of fascinated to see what direction Adobe is going here by adding such HTML specific tools. As much as their UIs can be rubbish, their weight is undeniable in the web industry.

HTML5 isn’t Facebook’s ‘biggest mistake’

Matt Asay writing for The Register on Zuckerberg’s recent Disrupt comments where he dumped on HTML5:

There’s a lot of blame to throw around, and HTML5 is only one target. Instead of pointing his finger at HTML5, Zuckerberg might be better served by looking inside his company to see how it was deployed. Facebook’s approach to HTML5 has been hobbled by politics and a lack of expertise, both in HTML5 and in mobile. Zuckerberg is correct that today’s HTML5 tools aren’t perfect, but in this case the problem may lie more with the craftsman than with the tools.


How to approach a responsive design

Upstatement is a small web firm that assisted with the massive Boston Globe switch to a fully responsive design. In this blog post they go through some of their choices made: workflow, tools, break point decisions and more.

Biggest surprise for me came with their primary design program: InDesign. Not Photoshop or Illustrator? Strange at first, but their reasoning appears pretty sound.

10 lessons for uncultured web developers

Not super crazy about developer Troy Hunt’s title (“uncultured” comes off as a bit crass), but he brings up some excellent points about working in web development for an international audience. Does your site support automatic currency conversion? How about something as simple as proper dd/mm instead of mm/dd for users outside the U.S.?

If you thought the hotness of Twitter Bootstrap would slow down in any way, sites like Bootsnipp beg to differ. Bootsnipp compiles free HTML snippets that can easily drop into Bootstrap friendly sites. There’s some really common and useful UI functionality here: a monthly calendar, progress bars, like/share buttons and much more.

Don’t fear the internet

Now that I’m teaching a front end web development class over at General Assembly, I’ve been researching HTML and CSS tutorial sites to get ideas for class. Most are pretty bad, but Don’t Fear the Internet stood out. Lots of really simple, well done videos to get web newbies on the right track. Love their intro:

Are you a print designer, photographer, fine-artist, or general creative person? Do you have a shitty website that you slapped together yourself in Dreamweaver in that ONE web design class that you took in college? Do you not have a site at all because you’ve been waiting two years for your cousin to put it together for you? Well, we’re here to help.