Archive: Miscellany

How videogame revenue is split on a typical $60 videogame

From a $60 game, $9 – fifteen percent – goes to the developer. That’s less than both the publisher and console maker.

A conversation about Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises”

Excellent, thorough roundtable discussion over at popular film site Clearly the three critics discussing TDNR are not big fans, with one going so far to call Chris Nolan’s range “from borderline hack to mildly competent”, something I completely disagree with.

This piece is standout in its discussion of TDNR’s politics. I agree completely with a lot of their takes: Nolan’s politics on display are often self-contradictory, very murky, and ignored when it’s inconvenient for the action on display. As Slashfilm’s David Chen argued, The Dark Night Rises is clearly making some rough political grabs, but by the end it’s an incomprehensible stance.

I’m an American and I want to watch the Olympics. What do I do?

There’s been a lot of talk online about how Americans can hack proxies and pull in the full BBC live feed. Yet that’s only part of the story here; pay special attention the opening, filled with screenshots, as dev Colin Nederkoorn breaks down how restricted NBC’s “live stream” coverage really is.

Sad to see cable’s stranglehold on the content and ad dollars in the U.S. market.

The retina MacBook Pro

Developer/Karbon founder Garrett Murray:

The app landscape will improve with time, but the internet is a different story.

Going forward, hopefully, most thoughtful folks will make new websites Retina-ready from the start. When I created the site for Scratch, I did just that, and it looks amazing on this new rMBP. But for the most part the internet will look relatively crummy on Retina displays for quite a while.

Very true. In short, there’s no magic bullet yet for effective, responsive images that scale to both retina level and “standard def” displays. Fascinating to see how this will all play out in the web dev and design community over the next few months.

Breaking Bad recap: For the love of Mike

Matt Zoller Seitz, writing for Vulture:

“Madrigal” is a housekeeping episode, mainly concerned with setting up future events and clarifying old ones. While it checks in with Walt, Skyler, Jesse, and Saul, its spotlight is on a glorified supporting player, Jonathan Banks’s security guy–hit man, Mike. But I’d still put it on a list of Breaking Bad’s best episodes, because it’s perfect, and because it underlines the show’s distinguishing characteristic: a commitment to clarity.

I couldn’t agree more. Breaking Bad is an already consistently excellent show, but “Magrigal” was a standout, mostly due to Jonathan Banks’s work. Generally I’ve found the episodes near the end of each season to be the strongest, but “Magrigal” is only episode two of this truncated 2012 run. I can’t wait for the remaining six this summer.


Blockr is a new Chrome extension that blocks you from the internet until you’ve reached some writing or coding goal. A bit draconian perhaps, but for easily distracted workers, this may be worth investing time into.


If you’re a Growl user upgrading to Mountain Lion, this little app forwards Growl messages to Notification Center. I haven’t tried it out yet, but post upgrade I’ll give it a try – it looks interesting.


I’m very, very late to the party on this one, but this is a great jQuery plugin from CSS guru Chris Coyier and the web design shop Paravel. If you dig fluid width video embeds – something becoming fairly essential with modern responsive design – it’s worth giving this plugin a look. I recently incorporated FitVids.js into an experimental Tumblr theme I’m working on as a side project. Worked great and implementation was straightforward.


As is the case with any major Mac OS X update, third party apps may have to be updated for compatibility with Mountain Lion. The best resource, recommended all over my Twitter stream and various tech blogs – is RoaringApps. Type in an app name and see if it’s confirmed ready for the 10.8 switch.

With the last few Mac OS X releases, I’ve gotten progressively less and less worried about app compatibility; when in doubt, it works. That said, for critical apps, a quick check over at RoaringApps is well worth your time.

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion: the Ars Technica review

John Siracusa just posted his (canonical?) review of Mountain Lion to Ars Technica twenty minutes ago. Based on his past work, it’s going to be exhaustive, amazing, and well worth it for any Mac geek who wants to learn what’s different about the 10.8 release today.