Archive: January, 2013

Move the web forward

Great advice and resources from web developers Paul Irish, Mat Marquis and many more on how to give back to web community. Some essential, timeless links here.

Best iPhone and iPad games of 2012 roundup

2012 was the first year I really started taking iOS games seriously, and the first I found the device a life saver for gaming over long subway rides and vacation trips. A lot of great titles were released, and as usual Touch Arcade has a great handle on what stood out. (I still find Punch Quest and Pinball Arcade monopolizing far more time than I expected.)

How I made a 26-hour day

App creator Andrew Dumont, talking about his daily schedule that he shifted two hours earlier:

You’re probably thinking, “I’m not a morning person.” Well, I wasn’t either. But I trained myself to become one. As is true with anything, you get used to it. The first two weeks are the hardest. After that, it’s smooth sailing.

I’m not a New Years resolution kind of guy, but there’s something about an earlier schedule that I’m finding increasingly appealing long before I read Andrew’s post. As I head back to work I’m moving everything a good hour earlier. Hopefully results are positive.

I don’t want to download your app

Software developer/startup founder Dan Newcome:

The value of the Web is the content and connections. Just let me use the Web. I don’t care that much if I get slightly jerky scrolling, or if the list doesn’t seem like it’s infinitely scrolling off the edge of my little iOS world.

There’s a reason why this short post made the front page of Hacker News for 24 hours; If there’s anything that I’d like to see end in this new year, it’s the “native apps for everything” trend. Native apps are great, web browsers are great; but neither is great for everything.

The top 5 website UX trends of 2012

As UX Magazine emphasizes here, single page websites are everywhere. I predict we could see a big backlash to the look overall by mid next year.